Monday, February 20, 2012

Burst Media Names Evidon as Exclusive Provider for OBA Compliance Services.

- Provider of Long Tail Ad Management Platform Joins Growing List of Companies turning to Evidon (Formerly Better Advertising) to Meet Industry Privacy Regulations

NEW YORK -- Burst Media, a leading seller of vertically-targeted audiences found in the long tail of the internet, named Evidon, the first company selected by the Digital Advertising Alliance to power its online behavioral advertising self-regulatory program, its exclusive provider for OBA compliance services.

Burst and Evidon signed the deal to make Evidon's OBA solution available to Burst Media's ad management and advertiser customers.

"Burst aims to deliver results for advertisers and web publishers alike, and we pride ourselves on being a trustworthy advertising partner," said Burst CEO, Jarvis Coffin. "Working with Evidon means we can give our clients access to the leading solution and build the level of trust consumers are looking for on sites and in campaigns."

Burst works with thousands of websites and markets a best-in-class ad management platform to deliver results to advertisers and web publishers alike.

Evidon - formerly Better Advertising - was the first company designated by the Digital Advertising Alliance as an Approved Provider of compliance services for the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (Principles). This includes the ability to deliver the Advertising Option (or Forward I) icon on behalf of companies who are participating in the self-regulatory program. The company's Assurance Platform is operating at scale, delivering the Advertising Option Icon and corresponding notice in billions of monthly advertising impressions across the internet for leading brands.

Evidon is the leading technology company enabling online advertising transparency, in no small part through its leadership role in the Open Data Partnership. An alliance of online behavioral advertising companies, the Open Data Partnership gives consumers access to the information those companies have collected about their interests directly from an ad impression or publisher site that uses Evidon's platform.

"Achieving true self-regulation means we as an industry need to reach consumers in every corner of the internet, not on just the premium sites," said Scott Meyer, Founder and CEO, Evidon. "Burst Media's focus on the long-tail means we're increasing the scale of our transparency efforts. Burst is committed to consumer and advertiser trust, and Evidon is happy to bring our principles to their platform."

This story was first reported in Online Media Daily:

About Burst Media

An online media and technology company founded in 1995, Burst Media ( is a leading seller of vertically targeted audiences found in the long tail of the Internet. By working together with web publishers and advertisers, the company leverages the value of rich long tail content to enable brands to reach loyal, highly segmented audiences in a brand-safe and quality-assured environment. Through its media divisions Burst Network, Burst Direct and Giant Realm, the company represents one of the broadest and deepest offerings of interest-based websites. Burst also markets its ad management platform, adConductor[TM], which empowers content websites, online ad networks and web portals to manage the complete process of ad sales and service. Burst Media is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts, with offices throughout the United States and in London. For more information, visit or call 781.272.5544.

About Evidon

Selected by the Digital Advertising Alliance to power its online behavioral advertising self-regulatory program, Evidon enables a more trusted environment for everyone in the online ecosystem. It gives businesses an easy, standard way of providing evidence of compliance with industry guidelines, and consumers more transparency into, and control over how their information is used online. By empowering consumers and earning their trust, businesses build their brands, participate in IBA with confidence and generate Evidon results. For more information, please visit:

Notes on the DAA and the Industry Self-Regulatory Program

Launched by the nation's largest media and marketing trade associations: the American Association of Advertising Agencies(4A's), the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), with support from the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB), and he Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) the Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising responds to the Federal Trade Commission's call for more robust and effective self-regulation of online behavioral advertising practices that would foster transparency, knowledge and choice for consumers. The Program promotes the use of the "Advertising Option Icon" and accompanying language, to be displayed where data is collected and used for behavioral advertising. The Advertising Option Icon indicates a company's use of online behavioral advertising and adherence to the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising, guiding the Program. More information about the DAA and its member associations is available at:

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