Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Disability services need overhaul: report

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Disability services need overhaul: report

CANBERRA, Aug 1 AAP - The Productivity Commission has urged the federal government
drastically change the way it provides long-term care to the disabled.

The commission has been examining Australia's disability support system since April
last year and submitted its final report to the government on Sunday.

"The report proposes significant change to the way disability services are provided
in Australia," Families Minister Jenny Macklin said in a statement on Monday.

It is understood to include the implementation of a no-fault national disability insurance
scheme slated to start in 2015 following a one-year trial in Victoria, Fairfax reported.

The $6.3 billion a year scheme would provide long-term care and support to anyone who
acquires a significant disability - one of the key recommendations in the commission's
draft report, released in February.

Ms Macklin did not comment further on the commission's final recommendations, although
she acknowledged broad change was needed.

"Our disability services system is simply not providing the kind of care or support
we want to see for some of our most vulnerable people, and reform is necessary," she said.

The commission initially received 610 submissions from stakeholders and another 452
after the draft report was released.

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