Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SA: The main stories in the 1200 ABC SA news

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: The main stories in the 1200 ABC SA news

ADELAIDE, April 3 AAP - The main stories in the 1200 ABC SA news:

- Another earthquake in the Solomon Islands.

- BHP Billiton says the Olympic Dam copper and uranium mine will last for between 40
and 80 years.

- Attorney-General Philip Ruddock defends the sentence handed down for David Hicks.

- Prime Minister John Howard says SA Premier Mike Rann has been hypocritical in raising
safety concerns once David Hicks is released.

- Prime Minister John Howard says the coalition still has plenty of work to do to bridge
the gap to Labor ahead of the next election.

- Australian share market higher in morning trade.

- Australia's trade deficit increases in February.

- The SA government urges road users to be careful not to bring fruit fly into the
state over Easter.

- Adelaide Crows defender Nathan Bassett to defend rough conduct charge at the AFL tribunal.

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