Saturday, February 25, 2012

Do the chores? But I've got a wife. Why keep a dog and bark yourself ? Tin hats on! Kate Garraway's hubby is spoiling for a fight ...(News)

A SURVEY reported in the Daily Mail this week found that women do an average [pounds sterling]33,000 worth of unpaid chores around the house each year -- that's 40pc more than men. The issue of Chore Wars was also aired on GMTV, when presenter Kate Garraway told viewers about the forthright views of her psychotherapist husband, Derek Draper, on why he shouldn't do the cooking at home. Here, Kate and Derek debate why men and women never seem to share the chores equally. So who do you agree with?


THERE'S a Draper family joke passed down the generations.

When asked to do domestic chores by our wives, we Draper men retort: 'What's the point of having a dog if you have to bark yourself?' I remember my dad getting swatted by a teacloth for saying it to my mum; but now Kate has earned me the wrath of women everywhere by quoting me saying it on GMTV.

Before we go any further, I need to stress the obvious: it's just a joke. But many a true word is spoken in jest, and I have to admit I am pretty old-fashioned when it comes to cooking and housework. You would rightly conclude that this is largely down to laziness, but I also have some more fancy justification.

While writing my new book, in my work as a psychotherapist, I spent quite some time studying gender differences. Is the way that men and women cope with the demands of modern life linked to biological and psychological differences, or is it just sexism? I reached the conclusion that, despite the drive for equality in recent decades, real differences do exist. And far from worrying about this, we should actually celebrate it.

In our house, Kate does all the cooking. I have never really learned, and whenever I try, I don't enjoy it. Grilling fishfingers is about as cordon bleu as I get.

I also -- get ready to growl, girls -- don't know how to work the washing machine and while even I can figure out how to vacuum, I never actually do it.

Now, like many busy families, we are lucky enough to have a cleaner who pops in to do some of this stuff, but Kate picks up the rest.

So does that make us an unbalanced

So does that make us an unbalanced household, headed by a dyed-in-the-wool chauvinist? Well, not if we widen our definitions.

Who does the DIY -- from changing a bulb to putting up stair-gates? Who puts software into the computer and fixes the broadband when it fails? Who goes and gets stuff out of storage and takes the car to the garage? And who always drives when we go out? In addition, I do the shopping and take out the rubbish.

MOST of these things are naturally seen as the domain of the male, so what is so wrong with seeing cooking and cleaning as more naturally the domain of the female? Is it discrimination -- or just a tidy division of labour? I will get a lot of brickbats for this, but I really do think that fixing, fetching and fiddling are more naturally male activities, while homemaking, as they call it in the U.S., is a more naturally female one.

None of this means that men are 'better' than women; just that nature, and our long evolutionary history, has adapted us to be more suitable to particular roles.

Men are competitive and goalorientated (think Horatio Nelson), while women are nurturing and consensual (think Florence Nightingale).

That's why a man will get more gratification out of putting up a really good set of shelves than from keeping everything homely and welcoming.

I suspect that the way Kate and I divide up the domestic duties is pretty universal. Now, as I acknowledged earlier, part of the explanation for this is that I am a bit lazy. I also had a mother and string of girlfriends who spoiled me.

Do I think that if Kate got all feminist and made me do my share of the more humdrum housework, I'd rise to the occasion? Hopefully.

Am I mightily relieved that it's unlikely ever to happen? Definitely.


I GUESS there are plenty of men who are a lot better than Derek around the house, but I suspect there are many who are a lot worse.

To give my husband his due, he is a better tidier than me, and he does wipe down the odd surface with a J-cloth -- but that's as near to cleaning as he gets.

Like many men I know, he also thinks that the main ingredients of a meal are a phone and a handful of takeaway menus.

I can throw together a family meal -- a stew or pasta bake -- without thinking, and I love how much Derek appreciates it. So I never mind doing the cooking, as long as he sets the table and loads the dishwasher.

HE DOES do other stuff around the house, trying his best at DIY and anything technical. Which is a good job, because I shy away from instruction manuals as much as he avoids cookbooks.

He does sometimes exaggerate, though. After all, how often do you need to wire in a new plug? And he always boasts about doing the shopping, but does he mention he does it on the internet and that I usually unpack it when it arrives? He is great with our three-yearold daughter, Darcey, though. He gets her up when I am off early to GMTV and gets home most nights to bath her -- as he's done since she was born. I potter around listening to them laughing and splashing about, and it's one of the happiest times of my day.

Best of all, he knows how to make a fuss of me. He is always the one who books a babysitter and organises 'dates', even if it's just to eat a pizza and watch a film. He can also be quite the romantic, taking me to Paris for Valentine's Day.

He also plans and arranges our holidays, but I suspect that is because he quite likes to be in control. As he once put it to me, he likes being the surpriser, not the surprised.

While he often criticises me for being untidy, I do get a kick out of nest-building -- especially when I'm pregnant, as I am now. Derek, like most men, wants a comfy bed and sofa, and a big TV, but is not too fussed about colour schemes, cushions and wallpaper patterns.

So, yes, there's no doubt there are differences between men and women's approaches to the home -- but I think Derek exaggerates the differences.

Aren't they mainly just what we learned as children? I grew up in a family where Dad worked and Mum stayed at home, so for me it feels right and natural for me to do the lion's share of the housework.

In contrast, friends of mine whose parents both worked and shared things more equally, expect the same from their man.

For me, though, I guess certain things matter more than keeping score on who does the cleaning.

Knowing that Derek is emotionally there for me and Darcey, and the new baby I am expecting, is more important. Besides, I enjoy spoiling him now and again.

DEREK DRAPER'S book, Life Support: A Survival Guide For The Modern Soul, is out now (Hay House, [pounds sterling]8.99).


Just joking, darling: Kate Garraway and Derek Draper

Picture: EYEVINE

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