Thursday, March 1, 2012

Qld: Barrister struck off for lying

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Barrister struck off for lying

A barrister who admitted to lying when she gave evidence at Queensland's electoral
rorts inquiry has been struck off.

TARA VIRGINIA YOUNG confessed at the Shepherdson Inquiry in January to lying over her
involvement in a suspect ALP preselection.

The inquiry heard Mrs YOUNG used a fake address to vote for current Brisbane City Councillor
CATHERINE BERMINGHAM in the 1997 preselection.

Mrs YOUNG told the inquiry last year she had no knowledge of the address where she
had been falsely enrolled.

But she voluntarily returned to the witness box on January 12 this year to declare
she had made false assertions.

The Barristers' Board accused her of serious professional misconduct.

Although Mrs YOUNG has denied any wrongdoing, the Court of Appeal in Brisbane has unanimously
ordered she be struck off.

AAP RTV sc/dl/jh


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