Thursday, March 1, 2012

SA: More talks to be held on bus dispute

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: More talks to be held on bus dispute

The Adelaide bus dispute is not expected to return to the Industrial Relations Commission
today following positive talks between the state government and unions.

Transport Minister DIANA LAIDLAW and United Trades and Labor Council secretary CHRIS
WHITE issued a joint statement last night saying negotiations were progressing well.

Further talks will be held today and they say the matter is not likely to return to
the commission.

Adelaide bus drivers went on strike on Tuesday to press the government for a guarantee
that wages and conditions would not suffer when all Adelaide bus services are privatised
in April.

They returned to work on Wednesday after winning the temporary reinstatement of trainees
who lost their jobs when the government announced the privatisation bid.

AAP RTV sn/msk/gmw/wz


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